sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2014

Minnie Mouse Mood!

A few days ago, my 7 year-old niece told me that she thought this trenchcoat was like as if it was Minnie Mouse's. I found that so funny that I decided I'd be like Minnie Mouse for a day, minus the red bow!

I've had this polka dot trenchcoat for a few winters, but it's quite light and only get to wear it in spring or fall, the 2 seasons that seem to be on the verge of extinction on this part of the world. In my Minnie Mouse mood, I paired it with black and red, of course, and the silhouette had to be fuller and more like the 50's. My shoes were flatter than Minnie's: since I've got real feet and was out and about all day, I needed comfort more than anything. As far as feet go, I'm more the Cinderella type...

This outfit makes me look a little wider at the bottom, but it was worth it: looking like a Minnie wannabe takes a toll I'd pay anyday. Have fun, mostly in cartoonish ways!

Há alguns dias, a minha sobrinha de 7 anos disse-me que achava que esta gabardina era como se fosse da Minnie. Achei aquilo tão engraçado que resolvi que iria ser como a Minnie por um dia, mas sem o laço vermelho!

Tenho esta gabardina às bolas há alguns invernos, mas é bastante leve e só consigo usá-la na primavera ou no outono, as 2 estações que parecem estar à beira da extinção por estes lados do mundo. No meu modo de Minnie, fiz conjunto com preto e vermelho, claro, e a silhueta tinha que ser mais cheia e mais à moda dos anos 50. Os sapatos são mais rasos do que os da Minnie: dado que tenho pés verdadeiros e andei todo o dia na rua, precisava de conforto acima de tudo. No que respeita a pés, sou mais do tipo Cinderela...

Este conjunto faz-me parecer um pouco mais larga na parte inferior, mas valeu a pena: parecer uma aspirante a Minnie tem um preço que estou sempre disposta a pagar. Divirtam-se, sobretudo como nos desenhos animados!

Today I'll be having the pleasure of linking up with these fabulous ladies:

Musings of a Housewife: Fashion Friday
Simple Sequins: Fashion item Friday
Rachel the Hat: Passion for Fashion
Style Elixir: Fridays Fab Favorites
Long Distance Loving: Friday’s Fancies
Perfectly Coutured: Three-fer Thursday
Simply Just Lovely: Working Girl with Style
Myriad Musings: Style Swap Tuesdays
All The Things, Etc.: Sunday Edition
Let It Be Beautiful: Sunday Edition
How Sweet The Sound: Pink Saturday

My Look

Trenchcoat / Gabardina - old Primark; Desigual (similar)
Skirt / Saia - old H&M; Taylor (similar)
Jumper / Camisola - old MO; M.V. Maglieria Veneta (similar)
Shoes / Sapatos - old; Valentino (much, much better!)
Bag / Mala - old Paco Martinez; Furla (for candy Minnie)

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